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Global Manufacturers and Traders Foundation is working in the interest of traders

As many obstacles and complications as it does. In any business, whether it is small or big, it is first visible that the expenses exceed the profits, but no one is ready to understand this. In the name of quality, the government is milking both manufacturers and traders like milk cows. Freedom from harassment by various departments of Central Government and State Government Today this organization is very alert to execute bilateral agreements between the government and officials to provide relief and solve other problems of traders. Today this organization is fighting a successful battle for the self-respect of businessmen. This organization is not only trying to solve the problems faced by the manufacturers and traders at various levels from the Central Government, State Government, but also by various departments. It is also playing the role of a link to provide relief from the harassment. Mainly to solve the problems of industrial area and to resolve the problems of traders, it is meeting the government and officials from time to time and concluding bilateral agreements. Our organization also honors businessmen with the Business Achievers Award every year for their excellent work in the field of business.

Our Services


  • Our organization is dedicated to create two-way understanding between the government and the authorities to get rid of the atrocities committed by various organs of the government or to solve any problem.Our organization is alert to conclude a bilateral agreement between the government and the officials to get rid of the harassment faced by various departments of the government and to solve other problems.
  • It is playing the role of a link to provide relief from harassment and other problems faced by various departments.
  • Our organization is fighting a successful battle for the self-respect of businessmen.

Let's Get In Touch!

Come & participate to 3rd achiever award of Global Manufacturers and Traders Foundation in 19th May, 2024, Send us a messages and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

Contact No. +91 9868037225